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Before you begin using Envoy AI Gateway, you'll need to ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

Required Tools

Make sure you have the following tools installed:

  • kubectl - The Kubernetes command-line tool
  • helm - The package manager for Kubernetes
  • curl - For testing API endpoints (installed by default on most systems)
Verify Installation

Run these commands to verify your tools are properly installed:

Verify kubectl installation:

kubectl version --client

Verify helm installation:

helm version

Verify curl installation:

curl --version

Kubernetes Cluster

Version Requirements

Envoy AI Gateway requires Kubernetes version 1.29 or higher. We recommend using a recent stable version of Kubernetes for the best experience.

You need a running Kubernetes cluster with your kubeconfig properly configured. You have several options:

If you already have a Kubernetes cluster, ensure your kubeconfig is properly configured to access it.

Verify your cluster meets the version requirements by running:

kubectl version --output=json

The server version in the output should show version 1.29 or higher:

"serverVersion": {
"major": "1",
"minor": "29+",

If your cluster is running a version lower than 1.29, you'll need to upgrade it before proceeding with the installation.

Envoy Gateway


Ensure you're using a clean Envoy Gateway deployment. If you have an existing Envoy Gateway installation with custom configurations, it may conflict with AI Gateway's requirements. We recommend:

  • Using a fresh Kubernetes cluster, or
  • Uninstalling any existing Envoy Gateway deployments before proceeding:
    helm uninstall eg -n envoy-gateway-system
    kubectl delete namespace envoy-gateway-system
Version Requirements

Envoy AI Gateway requires Envoy Gateway version 1.3.0 or higher. For the best experience while trying out AI Gateway, we recommend using the latest version as shown in the commands below.

Envoy AI Gateway is built on top of Envoy Gateway. Install it using Helm and wait for the deployment to be ready:

helm upgrade -i eg oci:// \
--version v0.0.0-latest \
--namespace envoy-gateway-system \

kubectl wait --timeout=2m -n envoy-gateway-system deployment/envoy-gateway --for=condition=Available