Getting Started with Envoy AI Gateway
Welcome to the Envoy AI Gateway getting started guide!
This guide will walk you through setting up and using Envoy AI Gateway, a tool for managing GenAI traffic using Envoy.
Guide Structure
This getting started guide is organized into several sections:
- Setting up your Kubernetes cluster
- Installing required tools
- Setting up Envoy Gateway
- Installing Envoy AI Gateway
- Configuring the gateway
- Verifying the installation
- Deploying a basic configuration
- Making your first request
- Understanding the response format
- Setting up OpenAI integration
- Configuring AWS Bedrock
- Managing credentials securely
Quick Start
If you're familiar with Kubernetes and want to get started quickly, run these commands to install Envoy Gateway, Envoy AI Gateway, and deploy a basic configuration:
helm upgrade -i eg oci:// \
--version v0.0.0-latest \
--namespace envoy-gateway-system \
helm upgrade -i aieg oci:// \
--version v0.0.0-latest \
--namespace envoy-ai-gateway-system \
kubectl apply -f
kubectl wait --timeout=2m -n envoy-gateway-system deployment/envoy-gateway --for=condition=Available
kubectl wait --timeout=2m -n envoy-ai-gateway-system deployment/ai-gateway-controller --for=condition=Available
Make a request
Check out Making a Request in the Basic Usage Guide
For detailed instructions and explanations, start with the Prerequisites section.
Need Help?
If you run into any issues:
- Join our Community Slack
- File an issue on GitHub