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The Envoy AI Gateway uses several custom resources to manage AI traffic. Here's an overview of the key resources and how they relate to each other:

Resource Reference

ResourcePurposeAPI Reference
AIGatewayRouteDefines unified API and routing rules for AI trafficAIGatewayRoute
AIServiceBackendRepresents individual AI service backendsAIServiceBackend
BackendSecurityPolicyConfigures authentication for backend accessBackendSecurityPolicy

Core Resources


A resource that defines a unified AI API for a Gateway, allowing clients to interact with multiple AI backends using a single schema.

  • Specifies the input API schema for client requests
  • Contains routing rules to direct traffic to appropriate backends
  • Manages request/response transformations between different API schemas
  • Can track LLM request costs (like token usage)


Represents a single AI service backend that handles traffic with a specific API schema.

  • Defines the output API schema the backend expects
  • References a Kubernetes Service or Envoy Gateway Backend
  • Can reference a BackendSecurityPolicy for authentication


Configures authentication and authorization rules for backend access.

  • API Key authentication
  • AWS credentials authentication

Resource Relationships

The AIGatewayRoute acts as the entry point, defining how client requests are processed and routed to one or more AIServiceBackends. Each AIServiceBackend can reference a BackendSecurityPolicy, which provides the necessary credentials for accessing the underlying AI service.